Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, and eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination. 一些人学会了玩狡猾借口的把戏,他们用含糊不清代替真相,以持保留态度来竭力自圆其说,在好人看来这实在讨厌。
She outwardly approved of the plan with the mental reservation that she would change it to suit herself. 她外表上对这计划表示赞成,但内心却想照自已心意改变它以顺应自己。
He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation, equivocation, and mental reservation. 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
Head son, you can't be doubting that I have mental reservation? 头儿,您不会是在怀疑我有所隐瞒吧?